September 12, 2013

Rachel to speak at This Happened

Protein and This Happened London curate two round table discussions as part of London Design Festival 2013, exploring the overlap of science and art within interaction design on the 19th and 20th of September. Both events will be hosted by the V&A to precede Digital Design Weekend.

Tangible Technology: Placing Human Interaction at the Centre of Digital Processes.
Thursday 19th September 2013, 3pm – 5pm, Digital Studio Sackler Centre
Guest Moderator: Regine De Batty
Speakers: Usman Haque, Yuri Suzuki, Hide & Seek founder Alex Fleetwood and Koby Barhad

Synthetic Futures: Exploring New Materials That Bridge the Gap Between Science and Art.
Friday 20th September 2013, 7pm – 9pm, Design Studio Sackler Centre
Guest Moderator: Olivia Solon
Speakers: creative director Rachel Wingfield, Lucy McRae, Rachel Armstrong and Yesenia Thibault-Picazo
