Specialist responsive environment workshop with fine art students at KHIB in Bergen, Norway. The whole world has become a laboratory.
No single part of experience will ever be able to explain the behaviour of the whole.
Buckminster Fuller
This workshop focused on establishing a multidisciplinary way of working that celebrates diverse perspectives and interfaces the arts, humanities, science and technology. Scientific and technological progress has given us powerful tools to expand knowledge, but also allowed us to work on a scale far beyond human. The whole world has become a laboratory and it becomes difficult to judge whether our experiments are well or badly designed. In the pursuit of objectivity, science and technology often displace us from our own experience and the natural environment, creating a relationship, which is “rich in facts, but poor in meaning.” How can we best adapt from the methods and tools of a scientific practice without stopping to participate in the world? Working together as a group we conceived and built a responsive, architectural installation. This was a collective experiment fusing traditional craft techniques with new materials and technologies. The outcome was based on an understanding of pattern and structure, providing us with tools for thinking and a universal language.
LINKS: Bergen Academy of Art & Design
Specialist responsive environment workshop